Monday, June 06, 2005

Promote Car Pooling

In the United Kingdom, the authority found that there are too many cars on their motorways. They are implementing a system of car-sharing.

We have a similar situation in Singapore. When I attend a social function, eg wedding dinner, I usually find most people come alone in their cars. The car parks are full.

We should encourage people to car-pool. The guests can contact each other, and come in one car.

We tried to introduce an internet-based car pooling system previously. It did not work.

I like to try again. This time, we will use our call center. If anyone wants to car pool, they contact our call center (special number) and indicate their function. The call center should be able to locate another person who is attending the same function and get them to contact each other.

Let us give it a try.


  1. I don't drive, but I wonder why internet-based system didn't work. Because they found it a hassle to find car-poolers? Not intuitive?

    Your call center might work. I think speed is also a critical success factor. Maybe if I call your center, I can specify how much time I can let your staff look for carpoolers (e.g. 30mins or 3 hours or maybe even 3 days?). If suitable carpooler is found, maybe can receive notice via SMS or email.

    Of course, if the problem is not in the mechanics of how the carpool system works, but in the concept itself, then might require different approach altogether.

  2. Dear Mr Tan Kin Lian,

    I agree that we should give it another trial. This time round, can we have some payment to the car driver to entice them to car-pool.

    singaporeans spend alot of money on their car. If carpooling offers a mean to help subsidise their car ownership, car owners would be willing to look at it.

    Forget about sms and coordination by owners and car-poolers. NTUC should establish some key locations around singapore for car-poolers and owners to meetup. What makes a good location to be the meeting point can be worked out by public survey.

    Make the payment cashless. Car owner must pre-register with NTUC. Payment will be paid via giro to their bank account. Car-poolers can pay by credit card or debit card via your call-center. In addition, policy holder of NTUC can pay via giro because NTUC has their records.

    I am sure this is workable because :

    1. Car owners have economical benefits for sacrificing their privacy and time spent meeting up the car-poolers.

    2. Payment is cashless and thus can be arranged in a short time. No accounting problem or non-payment by rogue car-poolers.

    3. Meeting point set-up by NTUC will solve problem of arranging meeting place. A lot of time, car-pooling failed because owners and car-poolers can't agree to a meeting place. Sometimes, car-owners or poolers do not know the place well and thus may be put off. NTUC can set-up a website to identify the meeting points with maps.

    my email is ""

  3. Dear Ivan Chew and Kin San,

    Thank you for your suggestions. I will study them.

  4. Often people will need to call up INCOME to check when can they recieved their renewal premium notice, in order to make the renewal payment for their vehicle insurance in advance,and get their Certificate of Insurance done. Before they can actually renew their road tax.

    Why don't put the renewal premium notice in the internet system or in the SAM Machine, for the policy holders to easily retrieve it using their own personal passwords, and make the renewal premium payment via Giro/Cheque/Nets through the Internet or Sam Machine?

    Believe that with this flexible system, people do not need to call in to urge for the renewal premium notice to be sent out.

    Some busy people are unable to make a trip to the branch to pay, they can actually send a cheque payment. However, with the help of technology, believe that they can use eNet through their internet PC to pay their renewal premium payment to get insured.

    Or use Sam machine at the nearest location, to pay their payment by scanning their NRIC and paid it using Net or Cash.

    Just like nowadays, the Play!DVD machine is getting popular, people can just rent a DVD at the booth. All they need to do is scan their NRIC (Front and Back) and thumbprint 3 times to get a membership card for free, and with this membership card they can use it to top up money into it and rent a DVD to watch. *Cashless*

    Anyway, just a suggestion. It just pop into my mind when I read this article.

  5. dear lk

    thank you for your suggestion. we are able to renew your motor insurance through the telephone. we can arrange for you to pay through internet banking or axs terminal. give a call to our hotline.
