Sunday, October 16, 2005

Pay regularly using an annuity

Singaporeans donated $70,000 to the parent of the Nepalese twin (Gangga and Jammu) to take care of their expenses for 8 years. The parents claimed that they did not receive the money.

It would have been better if the money had been given to the parent in the form of a monthly annuity. The monthly payment could have been around $800. This will ensure that the money is used for the living expenses, and not used for other purpose.

A 8 year term annuity is suitable for this purpose. Technically, this is called an "annnuity certain", but I prefer to create a new name, called the term annuity.


  1. I am one of those many donor whom donated to the Nepalese twin but feeling the pinch after reading the news' articles.

    My question presently is if Singaporean is really such an easy prey that even Nepalese is taking advantage now ?


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