Thursday, November 03, 2005

MHS provides better coverage than Medishield


Dear Mr. Tan,

I'm 65 this year and presently insured under the HMS. Recently, there are some drastic changes in the Medishield polcies.

My understanding is that I am not protected under the Medishied because of MHS. That was before the changes.

As of Jul 2005, private insurers have launched their medical insurance plans as enhancement plans to the reformed MediShield. Does that mean I will automatically become a medishield policyholder and enjoy the benefits on top of MHS?

If I'm presently only with MHS, am I taking a great risk not opting for Medishield? Or should I sign up for incomeshield and MHS to be safe? But that would be a burden financially because I'm retired.




You do not need to be worried.

The MHS provides a more comprehensive coverage compared to Medishield. It covers medical treatment at the GP, specialist and hospital. It has a co-payment of only 10% and pays from the first dollar (ie no deductible). So a higher percentage of the hospital bill is covered under MHS.

The only disadvantage of MHS is that it can be quite costly when you get older. If you find the premium to be too expensive, you can opt to be converted to Incomeshield, which covers hospital treatment, and is subject to a deductible and co-payment of 15%. This coverage is still better than Medishield.

You do not need to be worried about your coverage, as it is much better than Medishield.

Tan Kin Lian
CEO, NTUC Income

1 comment:

  1. Hi wei min,

    yr links dun seem to work. Could u advise???tks!
