Saturday, December 10, 2005

Crazy Horse Cabaret in Singapore



4 June 2005

So far, there is not much attention about the proposal to bring this cabaret to Singapore. But, I expect things to hot up later in the year. We can expect some Singaporeans to speak gainst this erotic show.

Some Singaporeans have a tendency to blow things out of proportion.

Look back 15 year. When the R(A) show was allowed in Singapore, there was a lot of discussion and hot air. Now, this matter is forgotten. It did not cause much harm anyway.

I think that history will repeat itself.


  1. Yeah, that's the whole trouble. Sporeans have short attention span and even shorter memory. And our govt knows it.

    By the way, how do you know that R(A) movies did not cause much harm?

  2. If it did cause harm, it would have appeared in the media.

  3. This same group of negativers are probably the same group which made a lot of noise about the casino.

    Such shows are not new to Singapore. Singapore had the topless Tropicana at Orchard Rd and also the Neptune Restaurant.

    The negative people will always be negative, doesn't matter what the view.

  4. Wow! It's been 15 years!

    How do you know that R(A) movies did not cause much harm? How is the harm supposed to appear in the media? "Man raped woman after watching R(A) movie"?

    Actually, there had been a number of media reports, especially recently, on increased rates of promiscuity, abortion and venereal diseases among young Singaporeans today, hadn't there?

  5. 12 November 2005
    Straits Times

    "EVERY day, four teenagers get abortions. Another two teens will deliver babies, and two will discover they have sexually transmitted diseases.

    "Latest government data made available to The Straits Times showed that in the last five years, an average of 1,500 teenagers had abortions each year. In that same period, an average of 840 teens had babies each year. In addition, more than 600 teens get sexually transmitted diseases each year.

    "Anecdotal evidence from three separate surveys suggests that as many as one in five teenagers could be sexually active. An Insight poll of 60 teenagers in Orchard Road this week revealed that 13 - or just over one in five - have had sex. A survey of 350 undergraduates in 2003 found that one in six had had premarital sex. Another survey by Action For Aids last year found one in four teens surveyed had had sex."

    Could someone supply the statistics for 15 years ago for a proper comparison please? Perhaps most of us could already guess the answer.
