Thursday, December 08, 2005

Positive feedback from our policyholder



We am very fortunate and privilege to know you. You have been providing an excellent and effective services over almost a decade. You understand your products and can communicate effectively. This had helped me to make my choice as I compare with your competition.

NTUC Income's vehicle insurance differential itself from the competition with NCD waiver for car insurance as an example.

I learned from this experience that the upper management in NTUC Income are extremely active and effective to resolve matters.. and it is a rare find.

I must also add that your customer service folks are also great in processing my car insurance renewal with Income, ahead of the usual due date to accommodate for my absence in Singapore in Dec, as I had mentioned in my earlier email.

Congratulation on your success and attainment of LIFE MEMBERSHIP for MDRT. May I you have an enjoyable congress in San Diego. If you got time, visit the Sea World and Wild Animal Park...

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