Thursday, May 11, 2006

30,000 happy policyholders

30,700 policies will have their policies maturing in 2006. The total payout is $623 million. The average payout is $20,300 per policy.

If these policyholders had taken a similar policy from another insurer, they will receive 10% to 15% less than the payout from NTUC Income. Why? The other insurers pay more commission to their agents and give more profit to their shareholders (at the expense of the policyholders).

NTUC Income is able to give a better return to our policyholders because we keep our expenses low, and give more of the surplus to our policyholders (instead of shareholders).

Our recent comparision show that our payout is 10% to 15% more than similar policies taken through our competitors. The difference could be more, for the longer term policies.

It is better to insure with NTUC Income. You will benefit in the long term.

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