Thursday, May 18, 2006

Get good leaders in government

At each general election, there is the risk that some of our experienced ministers may not get elected into Parliament. People worry that this may disrupt the smooth running of our country.

Is there a different way to "find" capable people to run the country?

The American system provides an interesting alternative.

The citizens elect their representatives into Congress, which is the equaivalent of our Parliament. Each district elect their own representative. They do not have a "group consitutency" system.

The citizens also elect their President and Vice President to run the country. The President cannot run the country on his own. He nominates capable people to be secretaries of the various departments. These secretaries perform roles that are similar to our ministers.

For example, their secretary of state is like our foreign affairs minister. The secretary of the treasury is like our finance minister.

The nominees have to be approved by Congress, which are the elected representatives of the people.

I think that Singapore can adopt this aspect of the American system. We do not need all ministers to be members of parliament at the same time. If necessary, we can appoint a minister from outside of Parliament, if they get the approval of a select committee of the Parliament.

1 comment:

  1. I am never a supporter for the present "group constituency" system.

    Should Singaporeans fear that any experienced ministers may not get elected into Parliament and hence, disrupt the smooth running of our Singapore, I would then suggest to amend our present constitutions to include NCMP for the ruling party too.
