Sunday, May 14, 2006

Make the right choice. Earn $146,000 more!

Many people are approached by their friend, who is an insurance agent, to buy a life insurance policy. They obliged. They have to pay a big premium for many years.

If they buy the wrong product, they will get a poor return. The difference can be a lot of money.

If you invest $300 a month over 30 years, the difference (between earning 2% and 6% per annum) can be as much as $146,000. Yes, you can earn $146,0000 more when you buy the right product!

Even if you buy the right product to earn 6% per annum, the difference (between buying from company A and company B) can be as much as $60,000. It depends on the charges that are taken from your investment.

Wow. That is a lot of money.

Take my advice. Attend our educational seminar. Spend 2 hours only and learn how to make the right choice. It can be worth $146,000 more to you!

You can also get advice from our salaried consultant at our Insurance Business Center.

Call 6877 3366.


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