You can get $48,000 more by investing in a fund with low charges. So pay attention.
You should invest in a large, well diversified fund, and for the long term. This allows you get an attractive rate of return.
You should choose a fund fund that charges you 1% per annum or less. Most funds have charges that amount to 1.5% or 2% per annum. Some funds have double layer of charges that can take away 2% or more.
If your fund earns an average of 7% per annum (before charges), and the fund charge is 1%, you will get a net return of 6%. If the fund charge is 2%, you get a net return of 5%.
What is the difference?
Assume that you save $300 per month over 30 years. The total saving is $108,000.
If the net return of 6% (ie 1% charge), your total amount will be $294,000. If the net return of 5% (ie 2% charge), your total amount will be $246,000. The difference is $48,000.
You can get $48,000 more, just by choosing a low charge fund. The gross earnings in both fund should be the same, as they are large, well diversified and managed by good fund managers.
Why do some funds charge 2%? They want to make more profit for their shareholders. So they pay less to the investors.
Look at the comparison in this website:
Who provies a low cost fund of 1%? NTUC Income!
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