Saturday, June 03, 2006

Be a considerate driver; give way

While driving this morning, I wanted to move from the middle to the right lane. I turned on my right hand signal. I looked at the rear view mirror to see the cars in the right lane.

Instead of slowing down for me to move to the right lane, I saw the first car actualy speed up. The driver just wanted to get in front. This happened with the second and the third cars.

All three drivers behaved in the same way.

We have to learn to be considerate, and to give way.

1 comment:

  1. It takes 2 hands to clap...
    Any accident could have been avoided if at least 1 party takes a step back...

    In this case, Mr Tan signals his intention. However, this does not mean he has the right of way.

    Slow down to give way to Mr Tan? If this is the case, then would Mr Tan be driving at a slower much speed that the vehicles on the right lane. As such, should Mr Tan remain on the lane he is in, instead of moving to the right lane.
