Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Customer buys 5 policies after attending educational talk

A customer attended our educational talk on "Financial Tips for the Young". He came with his wife and children.

He decided to buy 4 Ideal plans (regular premium investment-linked plan) for his children. His wife also took up an Ideal plan. They were bought through his insurance adviser.

He is aware that these are investment plans, which are subject to investment risk. He became confident that "risk is an advantage" after attending the talk. Previously, he only had a motor insurance policy with us.

The adviser said that the customer:

- had attended several investment talks previously conducted by other speakers.
- was impressed and convinced by our CEO's explanation on ILPs
- liked the large fund size of %3.8 billions, invested in 900 counters.
- liked the performance of our Combined Fund since its inception

He is now considering to increase his insurance coverage, by level term plus a decreasing term rider.

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