Sunday, June 18, 2006

Customer says: Thank you for insuring me!


Dear Mr Tan,

I always have difficulty getting health shield plans due to my medical conditions. That is until I tried applying for NTUC IncomeShield!

I thought I will go through rounds of medical examination again and the insurer will drag my case. But not with your company! I walked into your Tampines Business Centre on 29 May and received the policy document on 14 June 06. What promptness and efficiency!

I also thought loading will be imposed. Surprisingly, NTUC Income didn't! Very thankful for that. More than that, there are even vouchers given to me for taking up the policy!

I wish to commend your staff Ms Wendy Soong at the Tampines Business Centre as well. She answered my questions well. Insuring myself with NTUC Income has been a pleasant experience indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Tan,

    This posting left me wondering why I am still waiting for the conversion of my Incomeshield plan to the new Enhanced version.

    I submitted my application in the middle of May and I am still waiting for the policy documents!!
