Saturday, July 22, 2006

A few months to clear our backlog. Sorry.


Dear Mr Tan,

I am a big fan of NTUC income. In fact, most of my insurance policies and those of my family are from Income. However, I really have to feedback to you that Income’s back room operation is one of the slowest I have ever seen.

Previously, I waited for 6 months to receive my policy document for SAFRA living care. And that is after 3 calls and 1 email to chase after the document. The reasons given by your staff was that the computer system went through some migration.

Currently, I am waiting for the Incomeshield rider confirmation for my children, which I had made payment 2 months ago. I cannot help but wonder, what is going on inside Income?

All the best to Income.



I must admit that my group and health dept, which handles SAFRA and Incomeshield, is in a mess right now.

We received 60,000 requests for upgrading into Enhanced Incomeshield. My staff absolutely could not cope with the work volume. Guess what, one third resigned.

Give us a few months to sort out the backlog. In the meantime, I am sorry that there is nothing that we can do about the delay. Just be patient.


Dear Mr Tan,

Thanks for the prompt reply. Really appreciate it. I hope you can find more capable men to assist you.

One suggestion is to find part-time housewives or students during school holidays to help with all the paper work.

Another way is to outsource some jobs to other companies. Try out 1/3 and 2/3 rule. 2/3 inhouse and 1/3 outsource.

I hope I am not too nosey.


Thank you. We actually have help from the other depts. Some of the work needs some technical knowledge, so part time workers does not really help. But, I appreciate your concern.

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