Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Advice for a mother to save for a child's education

Dear Mr Tan,

I'm looking at buying two policies for our almost one year old girl.

I've decided to get a Living policy for protection purpose, but not sure what to do for her education, savings etc.

I've looked at Harvest, Education, Foundation policy, but not too sure which best suit our needs. I suppose the policy I'll choose should be least expensive and still able to meet our needs to provide a good sum of money for our girl's education.

Any advise from you, Mr Tan is greatly appreciated.



I suggest that you take an Ideal policy. Here is the FAQ for the Ideal plan:


We have a separate FAQ for the "Ideal plan for your Child". It is not in the website yet. My colleague will put it up and send to you separately.

The education plan is also suitable, but the return is not as good as the Ideal plan.

Although the Ideal plan has some investment risk, the risk is largely mitgated when you invest for more than 10 years and have the option to realise your investment at the right time.

I will ask a product expert to call you.

Tan Kin Lian
CEO, NTUC Income

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