Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I hope that more Singaporeans visit your blog

I think you have done a great job writing and sharing your views and ideas on financial planning and local issues. More CEOs from GLCs should do likewise.

I may not agree with all your views but I still feel it's great work done and hope more Singaporeans visit your blog



  1. It will be even better if Mr. Tan could write in independent capacity. Though he claimed that he gave an honest view, it would be best if he could write something positives (also) about other company's products / services (well, rather than keep praising Income's products/services). Biased does not mean dishonest, so to be fair to him, it could be very true that his is honest with his views. But, whether he is biased or no, you judge from his writings :)

    Btw, rest assured that I'm not from "the competitors".

  2. Dear Thought of Life

    If you know of something positive about other company's products and practices, you can send them to me.

    If I can verify it to be true, I will post into my blog.

  3. I know that this comment will probably not get posted....=p

    truth seeker, I personally feel that it is okay to leave the competitors good points out.

    However, when stating what's good about NTUC Income's insurance policies, just say it as a matter of fact. (full-stop)

    Firstly, state the feature(s).
    Secondly, state how this particular feature benefit the consumer.

    Do not have to say things like "Co. A is like this and like that. However, NTUC Income is not like them. We are .....". This is simply CHILDISH, even more so when it come from a CEO.

