Thursday, August 03, 2006

A special needs child


Dear Mr Tan,

I enjoyed your blog very much, it still amazes me that you post messages in the wee hours! It says a lot about your dedication to Income and the policyholders. Personally, I benefited a lot from reading your articles on financial planning.

I have been an Income policy holder for about 15 years now. When my son was born in 2003, I bought him 2 policies; a living policy and an Incomeshield policy in the same year.

In December 2005, he was officially diagnosed with autism. Little do we know that such a 'label' is actually a frightening term for insurance companies.

We were approached by an agent from company P in May this year. We switched Incomeshield to their plan due to the higher coverage. We did not declare "Autism" due to genuine ignorance.

Two months later, we wanted to get another policy with company P for my son and declared "Autism". To my horror, not only did they reject this proposal, they even cancelled their shield plan. The agent came to collect the certificate back!

There was no official letter, no apology , no explanation. I am appalled by the way we were treated! They don't even want to look at his psychology report. My son does not have severe autism. He does not inflict injury to himself.

Mr Tan, I don't know if it's too much to ask you to help reinstate his Incomeshield policy but it means alot to my special needs kid.



I will ask my manager to see what we can do. Maybe, we can resinstate the basic Incomeshield cover that you had previously with us. I am not sure if we are able to upgrade into the enhanced cover. I will let him decide what is best. Okay?

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