Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Survey on Parallel Imported Cars

We did a survey of 30 motorists on their interest in parallel imported cars. Here are the findings.

1. There is a strong interest in the motoring public to buy a parallel import car. About 50% of the respondents were interested. They look for a $5k - $10k price differential compared to other similar models sold by the regular dealers.

2. They find the following to be important:

* servicing support after purchase (76%)
* availability of spare parts (74%)
* warranty to be provided by NTUC Income (70%)
* good re-sale value of the car (65%)

3. The findings indicate that there is a potentially large market for parallel import cars. Motorists are price sensitive. NTUC Income will play a major role in assuring the motoring public on the reliability of the parallel importer in providing after-sales support. We can accredit the parallel importers and provide warranty cover and arrange block purchase.

4. A website will be created soon.

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