Sunday, August 13, 2006

Think of your Future!

We live in an uncertain world. Jobs are uncertain, due to global competition. Life is uncertain, due to terrorism, war, disease and natural disasters. It is even risky to invest our savings.

Many people need insurance to take care of the uncertainty and risks.

The financial institutions, such as banks, insurers and fund managers, design financial products to address these needs. They are able to design complicated products that look attractive, but do not give a fair return to the consumers. Their aim is to make a big profit margin for their shareholders, but this is usually done at the expense of the consumers.

These products are usually not easily understood by consumers. But, they are able to use marketing to get consumers to buy their products.

NTUC Income offer fair products that are good for consumers. They give an attractive return for their savings.

We wish to educate consumers, so that you know how to choose the right financial product and get a fair, attractive return for their savings. You can earn $20,000 or $50,000 more, on your long term saving plan, without taking excessive risk.

Here are the convenient ways for you to learn:

* read our product FAQ at
* learn about insurance at
* attend our educational talk (call 6877 3366)
* read a ranking of products:

Please help to pass this message to your friends and family members. Do them a favour. Help them to make the right choice. It is for their own good.

Tan Kin Lian
Chief Executive Officer
NTUC Income

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your comments. Since I got retrenched in May, I have been looking at how I can achieve financial independence. I recently embarked on an online business after much soul searching and research. My site was just recently launched and aims to help others like me who were unsure of what business to attain online, and what resources I could get cheaply to run or maximise this business, without being overwhelmed by so much information out there.

    its at if anyone's interested.

