Friday, September 22, 2006

Be considerate

I wish to share this story of a third party claimant who has behaved inconsiderately.

The claimant approached me for help. I asked my manager to assist him. The claimant did not get a return call within 4 days. Instead of calling my manager to find out, the claimant send a impolite e-mail to me, and copy to the Prime Minister of Singapore.

Here is his e-mail and my reply.


Dear Mr. Tan Kin Lian.

Thank you for sending Mr. Goh to assist me on my third party insurance claim.

Mr. Goh called me on 22 August at 2205 hrs. He told me that he will get back to me in four working days. Now I am still waiting for his call. I wonder how he calculate his four working days?

Can you please tell me how this will enhance your glory or the glory of NTUC income?



Dear PN,

Normally, Mr Goh is quite prompt. I think that he may have some difficulty in contacting you. I shall remind him.

Tan Kin Lian

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