Thursday, September 28, 2006

Customer for 30 years!

Dear Mr Tan,

I am a loyal INCOME policy holder for the last 30 years since my days in national service. I bought my 1st life insurance policy while I was in the Officer Cadet

Subsequently, I attended a talk by you as the GM of INCOME introducing INCOME to the policy holders.

You are a very hands-on person. Care for the interest of the policy holders. I had some small investments in INCOME because I trust your words. I have confidence in you! You had many innovative products.

Sad to know that you are stepping down though you had been with the Company coming to 30 yrs. You still wants to contribute to the company and care for the
Policy holders. I am sure there are many ways that you can still do it.

Best wishes to you and a BIG Thank you for your contributions to INCOME and the Insurance industry.


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