Sunday, September 24, 2006

Dare to be different


Dear Mr Tan

Reading the ST report on your departure on Saturday makes me feel that corporate entrepreneurship is not seen as a virtue, at least by some people in Singapore.

Daring to be different from industry norm is one way for Singapore Inc to remake itself, especially so for a giant such as NTUC Income, which is competing with MNCs such as AIA, Prudential and the likes.

I salute the way you apply out of the box thinking method on motor insurance as well as agents' renumeration. The thinking behind is to offer the best value to consumers at the lowest possible price, which can only be made possible with a lowest viable cost structure.

I feel that the ST Saturday's report did not provide a balance enough coverage of the merits and demerits of your policies. I do not think they have gathered sufficient facts and figure to give a fair comment on such policies.

Nevertheless, I trust that Singaporeans are smart enough to see that. So no worries.


1 comment:

  1. I was working with INCOME for 12 years. You are a family caring boss and I have learn a lot of your management skills under his TM scheme. It almost 10 years I have left INCOME and still useful in my work. All the best for your retirement. Cheers!!!
