Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Did you get a satisfactory return on your matured policy?

Did you get a satisfactory return on your matured policy, taken with another insurance company (not NTUC Income)?

If you want to find out, you can send the following data to me:

year taken
type of policy, eg endowment, whole life
age at entry
year matured
maturity benefit

We will tell you about the amount that you would have obtained for a similar policy taken for the same period with NTUC Income. You can decide, if the amount that you have obtained is "satisfactory".

Send you request to TANKL@income.com.sg

1 comment:

  1. Two visitors sent details of their policy to me. I am getting my colleauge to study their return, and the comparable return from NTUC Income.

    I shall post the results, but will not disclose their identity.
