Sunday, September 03, 2006

Enjoy the wonderful free service of the National Library


You have borrowed a book from the National Library. Due to lack of time, you decide to renew. You are told that a $0.50 fee per book is payable.

I feel the renewal should be free if it's a first one for the said book and there are no prior resevations by another.



The National Library is doing a wonderful service to offer so many books to be borrowed for free.

They have to meet their expenses. Now, they are imposing some user charges, such as renewing a book or a "fine" for returning the book late.

Going forward, I think that the library users (especially adults) should expect to pay a membership fee. It is good value for money.

In the meantime, when membership is free, let us accept the other user charges. We are still getting good value for money.

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. I disagree that the national library should charge a membership fee for adults. the library should be left as free as it can. Even the govt is intending to free up the internet access island wide in the next few years. Information should be shared freely as it can. IF everything needs to be charged cost of living will go up.

    It's doing a fantastic job at the moment. I am proud that it has been so and it looks set to be world class. Our people are our resources and let's invest in it before we talk about being charged again.
