Saturday, September 23, 2006

My future plans

I will leave the services of NTUC Income on 1 April 2007. By then, I shall be 59 years old.

I intend to work actively for another 11 years, until I am 70. My key priorities during the first two years will be:

- build the technology and business platform for the "insurance company of the future"

- provide management consultancy on business strategy, marketing, human resource, customer service and operational excellence

- give lectures, talks and training

I also intend to set up a company to promote Logic9, BEST simulation game and language training. This will allow the colleagues to own and build the business.

More details will be provided over the next few weeks.


  1. Dear Kin Lian,

    Wish you all the best, and perhaps, you might achieve greater things after your retirement.
    Have been reading your blog for sometime and I have to say that you are one brave CEO to blog.

    Best regards,
    SG Entrepreneurs

  2. Congratulation Mr. Tan, I believe Singapore will benefit more with another entreprenuer like you.

  3. I hear with great regret your decision to quit NUTC income. It is, to me a great loss to the corporation. Hope your future endeavours a success. Good day sir.

  4. Hi! I've never met you and I've never dealt with NTUC Income (I'm too young), but I've gotten to know you through your blog, and I think that you're a really admirable person. I especially like your straightforward and honest opinion about things, and how down to earth you are. I wish you all the best in your second career!
