Monday, September 25, 2006

The next CEO will lead Income well


Hi Mr Tan,

I read with much disappointment about your decision to retire from NTUC Income.

Two months ago, I emailed and sought your advice regarding buying a growth or annuity plan and indicated my high regard for your leadership and capable management of NTUC Income.

Like many others, I bought policies from NTUC Income because we trust your caring interest and responsible stewardship of monies of Income clients. It's precisely because you're the top man there that I decided to buy another growth policy just recently. The amount is modest but it represents my retirement fund and means a fortune to me.

I share with others the deep disappointment of your intended departure and wish you could change your mind. You're very well respected in the insurance industry but you remain humble and approachable to the common folks . It's hard to get someone to fit into your shoes. It'ld be great if you could you reconsider your move.




Dear CGC

Thank you.

I am sure that the new CEO will be able to lead the organisation well, towards the next stage of its development.

1 comment:

  1. I admire you because you are on the side of consumers. I will salute you if you can make the transition as smooth as possible. I admire charismatic leaders. However for a society in general, it needs great companies because companies outlive their leaders.
