Monday, September 18, 2006

Nice Blog, but it has spelling and grammar mistakes


Dear Mr Tan Kin Lian,

Congratulations on your blog! I chanced upon it today and it has been a useful and riveting read.

I am already an NTUC Income policyholder, and am impressed with the level of effort that you put into your blog and NTUC Income. Your boldness in starting a blog has surely paid rich dividends for NTUC Income ... personally, I think it is great that a CEO of a company is also the "chief marketing officer" for the company.

One suggestion I have is perhaps, for you to let one of your colleagues look through the grammar of your replies before they are posted. While I understand that you are a busy man and content is more important than form, having one of your colleagues look through the grammer of your replies will put an even greater sheen on the professional image of NTUC Income.

Keep up the good work, Mr CEO!



Dear Shawn,

Thank you.
I am aware about the grammar and spelling mistakes.
I think that it is okay, as it shows the "informal nature" of the blog.

When I come across the mistakes, I do edit them.
But, sometimes, it is too much trouble.

1 comment:

  1. Grammer or spelling mistakes doesn't really matter. I believe content is more important. :)
