Monday, September 04, 2006

Our Flexi Link offers the best deal in town

The upfront charge (or spread) for investing in our funds (ie managed by NTUC Income) is 3.5%. The investor buy at a price that is loaded by 3.5% over the net asset value.

This is lower than the spread of 5% charged by most other unit trusts and insurance funds. They charge at additional 1% or 2% for the insurance cover. So their total charge is 6% or 7%.

Some unit trust have a lower charge of 2.5%. Some investors asked NTUC Income to reduce our spread to match these unit trusts.

During our promotion (which is on-going now), we offer bonus units of 1% or 2%, depending on the amount of investment. This effectively reduces our spread to 2.5% or even as low as 1.5%.

Our annual charge is now less than 1% for most funds. Other unit trusts or insurance funds charge 1.5% to 2%. They may have other hidden costs that is deducted from their yield. Over 10 to 20 years, the difference in the annual charge can be STAGGERING.

Invest your CPF and cash funds in our Flexi-link plan. It offers the best deal in town.

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