Saturday, September 23, 2006

Please don't go


I read from the newspapers that you are leaving Income?

This company was single-handedly run by you since our days in the early 1980s. I feel it a pity that you are leaving the company.

Just read your blog - especially on that Stanley Jermiah's leaving the company.

Now that he has left Income, don't you think that you ought to stay behind and
steer the company? Any impact on the policyholders' confidence if there is no
main driver at the driver's seat?



Dear Terence,

The next CEO will be a younger, capable person who can take NTUC Income towards the next important stage in the career.

I am confident that NTUC Income will continue to do well in the future. There are many dedicated, capable, colleagues in NTUC Income who will continue to look after the best interest of our policyholders.

We have appointed another capable person to head the life insurance department. He is a qualified actuary with many years of senior management experience. The media release on his appointment was sent out a few days earlier. It is now posted in my blog.

Tan Kin Lian

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