Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Top managers have strong cooperative values

A customer said that he will withhold further purchase from NTUC Income until he finds out the "true colours" of the next chief executive.

I think that this is not necessary.

The general and senior managers who will remain with NTUC Income have strong commitment towards our cooperative principles, to look after the interest of our policyholders. They asked me to convey this message to the public.

After my departure, I will keep my insurances with NTUC Income and will also add to my investments.

NTUC Income is financially strong and is well managed. You can continue to get good value from the cooperative.

1 comment:

  1. I think this customer is certainly over-reacting. No one is dispensable in a company and there is sky above sky. NTUC Income might just performed much much better with the new CEO, who knows rite?
