Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Consultant gives fair and objective advice

Dear Mr Tan

As suggested by you, I met your product specialist on my financial planning matters.
He is Mr AJ from the Business Centre. I had a good 2 hours chat with him.

What I like about the service is that

- He is fair and objective
- He is not pushy
- He was able to tell me the pros and cons of your competitors product
- He was able to recommend products that meet my needs
- He was able to explain details clearly
- I am left in no doubts about my own financial position

I think the culture you have set for INCOME is good - one where customers are not felt pressurized to purchase a product because of pushy salesman but because the customer feel that the product serve his needs

I also like the transparency that you have set for the industry.

I am still deciding which of the products to purchase, but I know at the end of the day, I have make a right choice because I have received good advice.

All the best to your future endeavours.



Dear JC

Thank you for your feedback.

Many of my advisers are also not pushy and they give good advice as well, for the benefit of the customer. They can serve you at your home or office.

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. Dear Forever_a

    You have to be fair to Income as well. We have to spend money on the sales promotion. We need a certain period of continution of the insurance policy to recover this cost.

    If my colleagues has not attended to you well, you can send an e-mail to me, giving the details. I will ask the service quality manager to check on it.
