Friday, October 06, 2006

Tan Kin Lian's speech at NTUC Income Day

I joined NTUC Income on 1 April 1977. By next April, I would have completed 30 years of service.

30 years is a long, long time. It is time to make a change.

I will be leaving NTUC Income. This will allow the board of directors to find a new chief executive to lead NTUC Income in its next phase of development.

NTUC Income has several strengths:

- it is financially strong, and has been awarded the highest rating by Standard & Poors among all insurance companies in Asia

- it has passionate, dedicated and competent employees

- it has core competencies, in our call center, low cost of operation, claims management, and a strong pro-customer brand.

It also has challenges to respond to a competitive and changing market.

The future is bright. I am confident that the new chief executive, whoever he or she may be, will be able to use the strengths to bring NTUC Income to greater heights.

The future for me, personally, will be equally exciting, challenging and busy.

I will be working with a few partners to build the technology platform and the business strategy for what I call, "the insurance company of the future". It will operate efficiently to bring down the cost of insurance and financial services to consumers, using the connectivity and power of the internet.

I intend to provide this solution to existing or new insurance companies operating outside of Singapore.

I will also disseminate my knowledge and years of experience through consultancy and training engagements. I like to continue being involved in transforming organisations with innovative and differentiating competencies.

I want to thank so many colleagues and friends who have worked with me during part or all of the past thirty years. You are wonderful people. I enjoy working with you. I shall miss you. But, we will continue to keep in touch.

If you want to know about my future plans, and how things turn out, you can continue to read my personal blog. I will continue to update it regularly.

Thank you.

Tan Kin Lian

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