Thursday, December 28, 2006

Consider issuing one security device for online banking


I refer to the letters "Bank on safety and convenience" (Dec 27).

I use Internet banking. My bank recently sent me a security device. I had a lot of trouble registering it.

Those troubles are over, but now I have another problem: As I do not use it often, the device tends to be misplaced.

I imagine that, later, other banks and financial firms will also send me their security devices. It must be very inconvenient to carry them around, or to keep so many of them in my home or office.

I suggest that the Monetary Authority of Singapore encourage the financial firms to use a common security device, so that each customer need only keep one. This device should be registered with an independent party, and can be used by all financial firms.

If the customer is required to keep only one device, which can be used for multiple purposes, it is likely to be more convenient and practical.

Tan Kin Lian

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