Friday, February 23, 2007

Goodbye to Uncle Larry

My uncle, Larry Koh, passed away yesterday morning. He was 79 years old. He had not been well for the past few years.

In spite of poor health, uncle Larry has always been a positive, jovial person. I enjoyed my several visits to his home. He was always delighted to see me, and to share with me, his views about current events. He has clear views and he talks convincingly. He is a great communicator.

Two years ago, I took one day of leave to accompany uncle Larry on his MRT journey round Singapore. This was a great way for him to take his exercise and pass his time.

I introduced him to Logic9 (Sudoku). He must have spent hundreds of hours on this game on his PC.

In many respects, I share the same characteristics as my uncle Larry, namely a positive approach and to be convincing. Uncle Larry was my mother's youngest brother.

He told me that, during his younger days, he was able to convince people through the clarity of his views, which he put across with emphasis. He likes to "blow his big trumpet".

This is how the community portal set up by NTUC Income, ie the Big Trumpet, got its name.

I shall miss uncle Larry.

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