Sunday, February 18, 2007

My honest opinion

When I first started my blog a year ago, some insurance agents (working for other companies) criticised me for recommending products from NTUC Income. They felt that I was biased in my views.

Actually, I give my honest opinion. If there are other insurance or financial products (offered by other institutions) that give good value, I am happy to invest in them personally and to talk about their merits.

In my opinion, the exchange traded fund (STI-ETF) offered in SGX is an excellent product. However, I recently sold my ETF because the market is too high. I will wait for a market correction to reinvest in this product.

I now get many positive messages from members of the public. They tell me that they like the views given in my blog. They trust that I am giving my honest opinion.

I have now left NTUC Income. But, my view about the merits of the products remain the same.


  1. Hi Mr Tan,
    I share your view that ETF is a good way to invest, both in terms of diversification and cost. However, I think the volume is too thin (e.g. STI ETF) - do you think this pose a risk? Do you find any difficulty when selling e.g. did you queue but no buyers for that day?

    Best Regards

  2. A few months ago, I sold about $300,000 of STI ETF. (I sold somewhat early, but I did not know then).

    There was no problem in liquidity. Apparently, the fund manager is able to create additional units to meet demand and to dismantle the units when there is excess.

    Liquidity does not appear to be a problem.
