Saturday, February 10, 2007

Motorist have trouble in claiming against a Malaysian insurance company

Dear Mr Tan

I was involved in a road traffic accident. My car was hit by a Malaysia car in year 2002.

Currently, I have reached the stage that the Singapore High Court has awarded me the compensation since July 2006.

All documents has submitted to Singapore Public Trustee. But Malaysian insurance company has not settled the sum with the Public Trustee.

1. My lawyer told me that the payment will take 3 to 5 years, is this true?

2. When I checked with the Malaysian insurance company, they told me that to speak to my lawyer. But my lawyer told me that they did not respond, in spite of reminders.

3. Is it true that it is difficult to claim from a Malaysian insurance company?



Normally, you should let your insurance company handle your claim for you, instead of making a claim against the third party's insurance company.

Even we, as an insurance company, face difficulty in claiming against a Malaysian insurance company. I can imagine that it is even more difficult for you.

At this stage, you should ask your lawyer to take the next step. It is your lawyer's duty to handle it for you.

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