Monday, February 19, 2007

My wife's cousin migrated to Australia

During the Lunar New Year holiday, I met my wife's cousin who migrated to Australia 3 years ago. He and his family is now operating a farm to rear crabs and fish. They have good demand and good prices from Australia and overseas.

They get land and technical assistance from the Australian government. This is hard work which the local Australians are not interested.

Another cousin and a group of friends are joining him to expand the business. They will bring capital into Australia, but are also prepared to do the hard work to make a living. They do not intend to employ any workers, as labour is expensive.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr. Tan,
    How can I do something similar? I have great interest in starting a fish farm and I would love the great outdoors. Anyway I can get in touch with like minded people?

