Sunday, February 11, 2007

My experience on public transport

I visited a friend in town and took a MRT ride bome to Yio Chu Kang station. From there, I took a bus to my home.

This is the first time that I took the bus for this stretch. (Previously, when I travel by MRT, I asked a family member to pick me from the station).

As I am not familiar with the bus route, I asked for directions. A Malay couple, with two young children, were friendly and helpful. They took the same bus, checked on my destination and made sure that I get down at the right stop.

I am quite impressed with the quality of the bus and its facilities. I intend to use public transport regularly, after I leave NTUC Income.


  1. Mr. Tan, I hope u will still give advice in your blog after u leave NTUC. I got to know abt u when u advocate the idea of IDAC to cut down car's insurance premium. Thanks for ur efforts in getting such scheme up n running.

  2. A young man came to my house to collect some part time work from me.

    He took the MRT to Yio Chu Kang station and a taxi to my home. He was not familiar with the bus service 70.

    I advised him, in future, to ask people for direction. Someone will be able to tell him which bus to take, and where to take it.

    Let us learn about public transport.
