Thursday, February 15, 2007

Policyholder make monthly withdrawal from the Growth fund

Dear Mr TKL

I'm happy with the arrangements I made recently to buy into more Growth Funds, and sell off some units each month for some steady income, in addition to my two annuities. I'm surprised more people don't do this.

The Growth Fund has been appreciating very steadily so far, and does not have the volatility of the stock market.

Thank you! My agent tells me you provided for this arrangement. Incidentally, how long has the fund been in existence?

Happy New Year!



Dear VS

The Combined Fund (Growth) was launched at the beginning of 2003. Some of our other funds were in existence for over 10 years.

We allow our investor to make monthly withdrawal from the fund. This works almost like a life annuity.

Wish you all the best in the future.

Tan Kin Lian

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