Friday, February 09, 2007

Transparent home loan rates

I congratulate 3 banks for introducing new home loans that have interest rates that are pegged to an external benchmark, i.e the CPF rate or the Swap Offer Rate (i.e. the cost of funds plus processing cost).

These banks are:

* MayBank

I hope that they will offer a low cost way for their existing customers to convert to the new terms.

1 comment:

  1. Good articles, Have you heard of LFDS (Le_Meridian Funding Service, Email: --WhatsApp is as USA/UK funding service they grant me loan of $95,000.00 to launch my business and I have been paying them annually for two years now and I still have 2 years left although I enjoy working with them because they are genuine Loan lender who can give you any kind of loan.
