Wednesday, March 07, 2007

30 years of experience in 3 points

Someone asked me to summarise the key features of my 30 years of experience in developing the business of NTUC Income.

I like to cover them in 3 key points:

* Business strategy
* Entrepreneurial approach
* Efficient management

I adopt a business strategy that recognises the realities and strengths of NTUC Income. We are a cooperative society that aims to give better value to our policyholders. We act accordingly and communicate this distinctive feature to our policyholders. Over the years, we build a base of loyal customers.

I adopt an entrepreneurial approach. I act promptly and have a nimble behaviour. I learn and adapt from the results. By trying many times, I am able to find a better way. I am also able to learn how to do things better for the future.

I focus on efficient management - how to improve efficiency, reduce wastage, and keep the cost low. I learn how to make the best use of the available resources. I adopt technology to improve efficiency and reduce the cost. I find a way to reduce the cost of technology, and increase the cost savings.

Some top managers are detached from the business. They tend to manage on theory, rather than have a good feel of the business.

If we look at many large businesses, you will find that those businesses with a CEO that is in touch, tend to perform much better.


  1. Mr Tan

    I enjoy reading your blog and I make a point to read it daily if time permits.

    I hope you mean "effective" management.

    There is no point doing wrong things efficiency as Drucker reminded us that it is more important for management to do the right things (effectiveness) rather than to do the things right (efficency).

  2. I believe that efficiency, which reduces the cost to the consumer, also meets the needs of the consumer, and meets the test of effectiveness.
