Friday, March 09, 2007

Best Call Center in Technology and Innovation

NTUC Income received the award for being the best call center in the world, in the use of technology and innovation. This is a hotly contest competition among call centers in all types of businesses (and not just in insurance).

I will share the secret of how NTUC Income achieve this global award.


  1. Do you mean that CC1 received the award for being the best call centre in the world ?

    This is indeed unbelievable as I am always having an opinion that those call centre from India are better equip and more customer orientated instead.

    Most of the call centre contracts are heading to India these days and I understand the biggest victim is Australia though.

  2. The award is given to the NTUC Income Call Center.

    Call Center One, which is a subsidairy company providing call center services to third parties received a regional award for being among the top call centers in its category.

    They use the same approach as NTUC Income.
