Thursday, March 22, 2007

A blog for corporate branding

Dear Mr Tan,

I've been following your blog for a while now. I just wanna to thank you for showing the way for other C-level executives to give some thoughts on using blogging as a medium to convey a company's vision or as a way to branding.

Even though you've retired, I thought you'd still have valuable insights. It is great to see your write about your blogging experience so far in relation to other corporations or executives itching to take that big step forward.

Keep up with the blog~ I enjoy reading your stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mr Tan - I can say I am among the first to discover, read and enjoy your blog at least some long while ago. I am reading it every day now.

    I hope your blog will inspire more local senior executives, public figures and thought leaders to come up with even better form of blogging.

    I like your genre of blog, very practical, insightful, helpful observations and perspectives on financial and social issues.

    One may or need not always agree with your sincere views. I wonder why no senior executives in the same or related industry, public figures or thought leaders come by your blog and engage you in debate about your views or offer alternative perspectives especially on financial matters? Perhaps you could encourage more meaningful responses to make your blog even more interesting and useful for your readers.

    It is often we read, learn and quote western foreign management gurus such as Jack Welch, perhaps we should more appreciate our own local managers who are so willing to share their observations, local wisdom and insights, more relevant at least in the local context.

    Cheers/BP Pan
