Monday, March 12, 2007

Competition and partnership

Some people think about competition. They compete with other businesses in the same market.

I like to think of these other businesses as partners. We are partners in delivering a service to the market. We give choice to the consumers. Some consumers like a certain provider, while others like another provider. Each provider can serve its own market segment.

There is no need for the providers to compete hard and put the other providers out of business.


  1. Hi --

    This is a very interesting topic you bring up, Mr. Tan.

    I agree with you that friendly is better than unfriendly competition for businesses.

    From the consumer's viewpoint, I think it is the other way around. (Killer competition is best!)

    If competition is too friendly, it becomes very much like no competition.

    Thank you for starting an interesting dialogue, Mr. Tan. (I hope others will participate.)


    Larry Haverkamp

  2. Competition promotes innovation and create more choices.

    But when innovation have limited space for certain industry, competition will become a throat cutting affair.

    Either way, its good for the consumers like us. So let competition continues.
