Friday, March 09, 2007

Contact the business manager directly

I received complaints concerning businesses under the NTUC group which do not directly come under me. I referred the complainant to the relevent manager in charge of the business.

Sometimes, the business manager did not respond to the complainant. The complainant came to me again. This is not fair to me.

The complainant should contact the business manager directly, and not continue to trouble me on a matter that I am not responsible for.

As I have now left NTUC Income, the complainant should contact directly on any matter involving NTUC Income.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...

    From your comments, it prove something:

    1) NTUC group is growing, complainants don't know who to look for, maybe website lack of information for complainants.

    2) NTUC service quality has dropped, which is why people complaint.

    Well, look at the bright side...

    3) You are still popular, people remember you.

    Stay cool!
