Thursday, March 08, 2007

Few comments on my postings

Here is a comment left by a visitor called Cheekiss ...

Congrats on the high traffic on your site. However, I noticed that very few comments was left on your postings. Queer, isn't it?


  1. Blog = A personal chronological log of thoughts published on a web page

    Forum = A public meeting place for open discussion

    Hence, please do not mingle between Blog and Forum; or to expect " marketplace " outcome from Blog instead.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In adversity, turn it to opportunity.

    What a blog is created for,intended to be can be innovated to become avenue for other purpose.

    Innovate Blogging, not just blog it!

    Er...Mr Victor Foo, why need show your picture just to blog?

  4. Good question.

    While some bloggers prefer to be anonymous, I am showing my genuine name and photograph to avenue one purpose ... Accountability and Responsibly.
