Tuesday, March 13, 2007

How to improve the taxi service

I received this comment from a visitor to my blog. He suggested several measures to improve the taxi service in Singapore.


I do not have the statistics. It may turn out that with emphasis of retraining and relearning, many people the lost their jobs turned taxi drivers may have returned to the job market as the economy has improved. I have heard of taxi drivers mentioning that there are lots of taxis in the depot.

Heavy demand for taxis? Perhaps, this is created by the service provider?

My view is that taxi drivers are still choosing passengers. I had experienced it many times especially during peak hours in Orchard area.

I understand that taxi drivers prefer to stay within Orchard area so that they can earn more for shuttle trips.

A public transport system should be integrated. The bus, train and taxi should complement each other. You pay more based on the level of deliverable and service. For the taxi, you pay more as it brings you almost to the doorstep of your destination.

Another way to improve service is the following:

1. Do away with booking fees with the exception for advanced booking
2. ERP surcharge to be borne by taxi companies or waive it entirely
3. Increase the flagdown rate and offer a discount during non-peak period.



  1. I also notice that with the increase of sub-charge from 11.30pm onward, I still see Taxi roaming around like waiting for call.

    Maybe we should bring now the booking fare from 11.30pm onward in par with the increase of sub-charge.

  2. 1. Do away with booking fees with the exception for advanced booking!!
