Friday, March 09, 2007

Excellent service from the call center

I called NTUC Income' hotline (6346 2663) to ask for referral to an eye doctor.

The call center personnel addressed me by name, as the call center system was able to retrieve my particulars using my mobilephone number. He also gave birthday greetings to me, as it was my birthday.

He advised me to visit the emergency department of a nearby hospital, as it was already evening, and all the private doctors had stopped work for the day.

This was excellent service. It was done within 5 minutes.


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  3. Aha. I learned from this blog posting that it is your birthday on March 9.

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Tan.

  4. i just called the NTUC service centre regarding payment by DBS internet banking of my outstanding loan and premiums. However, i was told that i can only make payment by cheque or cash only as DBS does not accept the internet payment mode for Income. If that the case, remove the payment service from DBS for goodness sake. Thanks for your attention

  5. Hello Alfred

    Unfortunately, I do not believe this is true unless this option was discontinue several days ago !

    I am using DSB Internet Banking or sometime VPost for settling my insurance premiums.

    I was last using this service last week though.

  6. How this can happened to a call centre?

    Guess you must have spend a lot of time on this.

    Do you mind to share with us how this possible?

    I am from IT service line and love to learn from you the possible in setting up a great call centre for IT.

  7. Alfred Soh, are you barking up the wrong tree?

  8. Dear David Fhu

    You can read my posting about how NTUC Income created its world class call center.

    If you are still keen to learn more, send an e-mail to me. I shall send you an article that was written on this matter.

  9. I am stating the truth and nothing but the truth. I have keyed in the 10 digit policy no numerous times to start a new bill payment for my Income policy and the reply from the setting was invalid reference number. Anyway, i am not interested to talk about something which is not true as our times are precious. So be it!
