Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mahjong helps to prevent dementia

There is a newspaper report that mahjong helps to prevent dementia. This is the result of a research in Hong Kong. Mahjong is also also practiced in Taiwan and in Singapore (Alexandra Hospital) as a therapy for older people.

I agree with this finding, based on my personal observation. My mother is 80 years old. She enjoys mahjong. This helps to keep her alert.

There is another game that can keep your mind alert. In my opinion, it will also prevent dementia, but it is not scientifically proven yet.

This is the game of Suduku. Our logic version is call Logic9. You shoud try this game at

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend whose 80+yr old grandmother used to play Mahjong with her friends. When one of their Mahjong partner passed away, they could not find another partner.

    After a few months, the old lady fell sick and passed away.
    Not sure if its because of the missing Mahjong sessions.
