Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My childhood

A few people told me that they were touched by the story in Monday Interview. As a child, I frequently waited at the bus stop for my father to return home after a sea trip.

This was 50 years ago.

Each trip took three days. He went out to sea to bring food provisions to the Riau Islands and return to Singapore with a boat load of fish.

He usually returned at a certain time at night. I went earlier to wait for his usual bus.

Sometimes, he was late. I had to wait for two or three buses to pass by, before he alighted. Those times, I had to wait for one hour or longer.

But, it was all right. In those days, there was no television, and no computer games to occupy our time.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Tan,
    This is what most father would love to feel, the concern and love of his son.

    I shared this with my son, and today when I am home, my nasi lemak was on table, but my son came and took the cucumber and chilli from the fridge for me.

    My wife told him that he has done good after hearing me talk about you waiting for your father at the bus stop.

    Your action is touching and it probably touched my 13 year old son's heart too.

    - Thomas Phua
