Saturday, March 03, 2007

No reply because of wrong e-mail address

Mr Tan,

It is not fair to bother you with this matter since you have left INCOME on 20-Feb. But I just want to share with you my experience with INCOME service.

I have sent out another query to INCOME on 26-Feb-2007, and guess what Mr Tan, they don't even bother reply my email or call me.

I don't know why no one of the recipient of the email try to take ownership of this matter and try to solve the problem. What would you do if you were me Mr Tan?

I really am admiring you on how you, as CEO, answered personal email from customer or non customer within your busy and tight schedule and, after you have left INCOME, still active helping people to save their hard earned money spending on buying unnecessary insurance product.

Thanks a lot for educating us in buying/investing in the right insurance product.


My reply:

I will ask X to look into this matter again. I suspect that you did not get a reply earlier because you used a wrong "reply address", which may have caused the reply to be "lost".


  1. I would like to share my experience too. INCOME's call centre service is such that the operator picks up the call at the first ring whenever I call. Unfortunately this is not followed up by good backroom service.

    Around half a year ago, I called up to report that my daughter's surname was wrongly spelt on her enhanced incomeshield policy although the proposal form was correctly filled and my own policy arrived without the rider endorsement. The operator was polite but nothing happened after a few weeks. I called again and another eloquent polite operator assured me all will be settled. Again nothing happened and I had to call a third time. Nothing happened again.

    Thereafter I was busy and forgot all about the policies. I called again last month and finally got the documents. I am still unhappy that I got an endorsement instead of a replacement policy for my daughter when the mistake was on INCOME's part. However I've given up on INCOME's service standards to be bothered to call up again on this matter.

    I knew INCOME had a backlog of Enhanced Incomeshield applications last year and was prepared to be patient. But the truth was probably either no record was made of my requests the first 3 times or no one bothered to do their job.

    The irony is immense when INCOME boasts of their world class call centre service. I'd much rather wait 5 mins for the operator and receive efficient service after that, than have the call answered at first ring and wait half a year for my documents.

  2. I suggest that you send your feedback to the manager in charge of the call center. Her name is Pauline Low. I am sure that she will look into the source of this problem.

  3. Kin Lian,
    Don't you think that this is the issue when there is no fixed agent to service their clients? A total lack of ownership. I just do my job at a call centre, note down the case, and pass it on to any agent to handle the case.

    You really need a to close the loop to track cases, or calls.

  4. I believe that most of the cases are followed up and sorted out satisfactorily. The call center handles a few hundred referral cases each day.

    Sometimes, the policyholders gave a wrong telephone number or do not pick up a call. So, the responding officer gave up after a few attempts.

    Sometimes, something went wrong and the case is not attended. The CRM system probably needs to be improved.
